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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 hand n (body part) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 手 shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 手  He put his hands in his pockets.  他双手插在衣袋里。 hand n (cards: those dealt) (游戏)SCSimplified Chinese 一手牌,一副牌 yì shǒu pái,yí fù pái  I've got a great hand. Whose lead is it?  我有一手好牌。谁先出? hand [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (pass, give: [sth] to [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 把…递给 bǎ dì gěi TCTraditional Chinese 把…遞給   SCSimplified Chinese 把…拿给  Please hand this form to your parents.  请把这张表格拿给你的父母。 hand [sb] [sth]⇒ vtr (pass, give: [sb] [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 传递 chuán dì TCTraditional Chinese 傳遞   SCSimplified Chinese 交给 chuán dì,jiāo gěi  Could you hand me that pen, please?  帮我递一下那支钢笔,好吗? hand adj (manual)SCSimplified Chinese 用手的 yòng shǒu de   SCSimplified Chinese 手动的 yòng shǒu de ,shǒu dòng de  It's just a small hand pump, but it might be useful.  这只是台小手摇泵,但或许会有用。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 hand adj (made by hand)SCSimplified Chinese 手工制作的  It's hand work, and not the common mass-produced item. hand n (clock, gauge) (钟表、测量仪器的)SCSimplified Chinese 指针 zhǐ zhēn TCTraditional Chinese 指針  I watched the minute hand approach the twelve.  我注视着分针走近12点。 hand n (direction, side) (表示方向)SCSimplified Chinese (左、右)手侧 zuǒ yòu shǒu cè  On your left hand you'll find the on-off button.  你会在左手侧发现开关键。 hand n (handwriting)SCSimplified Chinese 笔迹 bǐ jì   SCSimplified Chinese 字迹 bǐ jì,zì jì  She has a very elegant hand.  她写得一手优雅的好字。 hand n (labourer)SCSimplified Chinese 工人 gōng rén TCTraditional Chinese 工人   SCSimplified Chinese 人手 gōng rén,rén shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 人手  How many hands will the job take?  这项工作需要多少人手? hand n (skill)SCSimplified Chinese 手艺 shǒu yì TCTraditional Chinese 手藝   SCSimplified Chinese 技能 shǒu yì,jì néng TCTraditional Chinese 技能  I've never really tried my hand at oriental cooking.  我还从来没有真正尝试过自己烹调东方食物。 hand n (crewman)SCSimplified Chinese 水手 shuǐ shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 船员 shuǐ shǒu,chuán yuán TCTraditional Chinese 船員  The ship's hands were ordered to clean the deck.  船上的水手被责令清扫甲板。 hand n (bargaining position)SCSimplified Chinese 讨价还价的地位 tǎo jià huán jià de dì wèi  They have a strong hand at the negotiating table.  他们在谈判桌上处于强势地位。 hand n (agency, action)SCSimplified Chinese 亲手 TCTraditional Chinese 親手  I did it by my own hand. a hand n informal, figurative (help, aid)SCSimplified Chinese 帮忙 bāng máng TCTraditional Chinese 幫忙   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 bāng máng,bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 支援 bāng máng,zhī yuán  Do you need a hand with that box?  需要帮忙搬那个箱子吗? hand n figurative, dated (signature) (旧式用法)SCSimplified Chinese 签字,签名 qiān zì,qiān míng TCTraditional Chinese 簽字,簽名  I set my hand to the document. hand n (pledge, word)SCSimplified Chinese 允婚 yǔn hūn  He asked for her hand in marriage.  他向她求婚。 hand n (horses: measure of height) (丈量马匹高度的单位)SCSimplified Chinese 一手掌宽 yì shǒu zhǎng kuān  The horse measured fourteen hands.  那匹马有十四掌高。 hand n (cards: a turn)SCSimplified Chinese 一局牌 yì jú pái  Whose hand is it?  这局该谁了? hand n figurative (skill, touch)SCSimplified Chinese 技巧 jì qiǎo TCTraditional Chinese 技巧   SCSimplified Chinese 手法 jì qiǎo,shǒu fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 手法  He could see the hand of a true craftsman in the wardrobe. hand [sb]⇒ vtr (guide, help)SCSimplified Chinese 为…引路 wèi yǐn lù TCTraditional Chinese 為…引路   SCSimplified Chinese 为…指路 wèi yǐn lù,wèi zhǐ lù  He handed her into her seat.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 hand [sth] back, hand back [sth] vtr phrasal sep (return, give back)SCSimplified Chinese 递回   SCSimplified Chinese 交还 jiāo huán  The immigration official handed back the passport without comment. The teacher handed back the corrected exams.  移民官员没有任何评论,就把护照还给了他。  老师把批改好的试卷发了回来。 hand [sth] down, hand down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (pass on to a successor)SCSimplified Chinese 把…传下去 bǎ chuán xià qù   SCSimplified Chinese 流传 bǎ chuán xià qù,liú chuán TCTraditional Chinese 流傳  Before I die, I will hand down to you, my son, my entire estate.  我的儿子,在我死之前,我会将王位传给你。 hand [sth] in vtr phrasal sep (submit) (作业、试卷等)SCSimplified Chinese 交 TCTraditional Chinese 交  The students handed in their assignments to the teacher.  学生们向老师交了作业。 hand [sb] in vtr phrasal sep informal (turn in: to police) (警察)SCSimplified Chinese 将某人交予  When the teenager's parents found out he was selling drugs, they handed him in to the police.  这位青少年父母在发现他贩毒后将他交给了警察。 hand [sth] off, hand off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (American football: pass to opponent)SCSimplified Chinese 给球  The quarterback handed off the ball to the running back.  四分卫把球传给跑卫。 hand [sb] off, hand off [sb] vtr phrasal sep (rugby: push away opponent) (橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 推开 tuī kāi  The player managed to hand off two opponents before being brought down.  那个球员在被扑到之前成功地推开两个对手。 hand [sth] off, hand off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (project: pass to [sb] else)SCSimplified Chinese 送给 sòng gěi   SCSimplified Chinese 传送给   SCSimplified Chinese 传递给  The editor handed off the final text to the printers.  编辑把最后的文稿交给印刷商。 hand [sth] on, hand on [sth] vtr phrasal sep (pass on, transmit)SCSimplified Chinese 传递 chuán dì TCTraditional Chinese 傳遞  I always hand on my favourite books to my sister.  我总是把最喜欢的书传给妹妹。 hand [sth] out, hand out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (distribute)SCSimplified Chinese 分发 fēn fā TCTraditional Chinese 分發   SCSimplified Chinese 散发 fēn fā ,sàn fà TCTraditional Chinese 散發   SCSimplified Chinese 派发 fēn fā ,pài fā  Volunteers in Haiti are handing out food and water to earthquake victims.  海地的志愿者们正在向地震受灾人员分发食物和水。 hand [sth] over, hand over [sth] vtr phrasal sep (object: give, relinquish)SCSimplified Chinese 交出,让出 jiāo chū,ràng chū TCTraditional Chinese 交出   SCSimplified Chinese 送交,递交,移交 sòng jiāo,dì jiāo,yí jiāo TCTraditional Chinese 送交,遞交,移交  The police officer persuaded Taylor to hand the knife over.  警察说服泰勒交出刀。 hand [sth/sb] over, hand [sb/sth] over vtr phrasal sep figurative (territory, child: surrender)SCSimplified Chinese 交出 jiāo chū TCTraditional Chinese 交出  Damascus has given the kidnappers of eight Syrian workers until Tuesday to hand the hostages over.  大马士革要求绑架八名叙利亚工人的绑匪在星期二前交出人质。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. expr (Don't risk what you have.) (谚语)SCSimplified Chinese 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 yì niǎo zài shǒu shèng yú èr niǎo zài lín  I'm told I can do better if I keep looking for opportunities, but I'll stay at this job for now; after all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. a dab hand n informal (skilled person)SCSimplified Chinese 好手   SCSimplified Chinese 能手 néng shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 能手  Could you help me roll this pastry? I hear you're a dab hand in the kitchen. a dab hand at [sth] n informal (person skilled at [sth])SCSimplified Chinese ...的能手   SCSimplified Chinese 很擅长...  My sister's coming to put up some shelves for me. She's a dab hand at DIY. at hand expr (nearby, conveniently close)SCSimplified Chinese 在手边,在附近 zài shǒu biān,zài fù jìn TCTraditional Chinese 在手邊   SCSimplified Chinese 即将到来 jí jiāng dào lái  I keep a torch at hand because of the frequent electricity cuts.  因为经常停电,所以我随身佩戴手电筒。 at hand expr figurative (imminent)SCSimplified Chinese 临近,即将到来 lín jìn,jí jiāng dào lái TCTraditional Chinese 臨近   (书面,成语)SCSimplified Chinese 近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ   (书面)SCSimplified Chinese 在即  With Christmas at hand, we are very busy in the shop.  随着圣诞节的临近,我们店里变得异常繁忙。 at the hands of [sb], at the hand of [sb], by the hands of [sb], by the hand of [sb] prep (because of)SCSimplified Chinese 出自某人之手 chū zì mǒu rén zhī shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 因为某人的原因 chū zì mǒu rén zhī shǒu,yīn wèi mǒu rén de yuán yīn  Many women die at the hands of their own families for perceived dishonor. at [sb]'s hands, at [sb]'s hand, by [sb]'s hands, by [sb]'s hand prep (because of) (指由于某人行为)SCSimplified Chinese 因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú TCTraditional Chinese 因為   SCSimplified Chinese 于...之手,在...手里 TCTraditional Chinese 在…手裡 bathroom sink n (washbasin)SCSimplified Chinese 浴缸 yù gāng   SCSimplified Chinese 浴池 yù gāng,yù chí  The washer was broken so I washed my clothes in the bathroom sink. be caught with your hand in the cookie jar v expr US, informal (be caught taking bribes)SCSimplified Chinese 当场抓获   SCSimplified Chinese 抓了个现行 give a big hand v expr (applaud enthusiastically)SCSimplified Chinese 热烈鼓掌 get a big hand v expr (receive enthusiastic applause)SCSimplified Chinese 收到热烈的掌声 bite the hand that feeds, bite the hand that feeds you v expr figurative (repay kindness with malice)SCSimplified Chinese 恩将仇报   SCSimplified Chinese 忘恩负义 wàng ēn fù yì TCTraditional Chinese 忘恩負義 bottom left corner, bottom left-hand corner n (lower corner on the left-hand side)SCSimplified Chinese 左下角  The page is numbered in the bottom left corner. bottom right corner, bottom right-hand corner n (lower corner on the right-hand side)SCSimplified Chinese 右下角  The time and date are displayed at the bottom right corner of your screen. bound hand and foot, tied hand and foot expr (with hands and feet tied)SCSimplified Chinese 手脚被捆绑的 shǒu jiǎo bèi kǔn bǎng de  The kidnappers left him bound hand and foot in the trunk of the car.  绑匪将他的手脚捆绑起来,扔在汽车的后备箱里。 be bound hand and foot, be tied hand and foot v expr (have hands and feet tied together)SCSimplified Chinese 手脚被捆住  The criminal was bound hand and foot so he couldn't escape. be bound hand and foot v expr figurative (inescapably obligated) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 被完全束缚的   SCSimplified Chinese 被严格约束的  Every child is bound hand and foot by their parents' rules.  每个孩子都被自己父母的规矩完全束缚。 business at hand n (urgent matter for discussion)SCSimplified Chinese 当务之急 dāng wù zhī jí TCTraditional Chinese 當務之急   SCSimplified Chinese 手头上的工作 dāng wù zhī jí,shǒu tóu shàng de gōng zuò  We have digressed enough, let's get back to the business at hand. by hand adv (manually, not by machine)SCSimplified Chinese 手工地 shǒu gōng de  You can see that these tools were made by hand. cash in hand expr (pay: directly with notes, coins)SCSimplified Chinese 付现金 cash in hand, cash-in-hand n as adj (payment: made directly with notes, coins)SCSimplified Chinese 付现金的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.close at hand, close to hand adj (convenient, nearby)SCSimplified Chinese 附近的 fù jìn de  In flu season, keep a box of tissues close at hand.  流感季,可在身边放一包餐巾纸。 close at hand adj figurative (imminent)SCSimplified Chinese 即将发生的 jí jiāng fā shēng de  "Nuclear war is close at hand!" was emblazoned on the black and yellow leaflets.  黑黄两色的传单上醒目地写着:“核战争即将发生!” deckhand, deck hand n (worker on a ship)SCSimplified Chinese 甲板水手 jiǎ bǎn shuǐ shǒu die by your own hand v expr (kill oneself)SCSimplified Chinese 自杀 zì shā TCTraditional Chinese 自殺   SCSimplified Chinese 自尽 zì shā ,zì jǐn dismiss [sth] out of hand v expr (disregard)SCSimplified Chinese 不假思索地丢弃 bù jiǎ sī suǒ de diū qì  I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I beg you not to dismiss it out of hand. be eating out of [sb]'s hand figurative (be submissive to [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 使…百依百顺   SCSimplified Chinese 把...吃得死死的 farmhand, farm hand n (worker on a farm)SCSimplified Chinese 农场工人 nóng chǎng gōng rén TCTraditional Chinese 農場工人 field hand (agricultural worker)SCSimplified Chinese 农场工人 nóng chǎng gōng rén TCTraditional Chinese 農場工人   SCSimplified Chinese 农活工 firm hand n figurative (strict manner)SCSimplified Chinese 强硬的态度,措施 qiáng yìng de tài dù ,cuò shī TCTraditional Chinese 措施   SCSimplified Chinese 强硬手段 qiáng yìng shǒu duàn  The dictator ruled with a firm hand. firsthand, first-hand adj (account: direct from source)SCSimplified Chinese 第一手的 dì yī shǒu de   SCSimplified Chinese 直接的 dì yī shǒu de,zhí jiē de  I have first-hand experience with that computer program. The film's first-hand account of life inside a cult was chilling. firsthand, first-hand, at first hand adv (directly from source)SCSimplified Chinese 第一手地 dì yī shǒu de   SCSimplified Chinese 直接地 dì yī shǒu de,zhí jiē de  He gave me the information first-hand. fist your hand v expr US (clench hand)SCSimplified Chinese 握拳 four-in-hand n (carriage: four horse team)SCSimplified Chinese 四匹马拉的大马车 four-in-hand n (tie knot)SCSimplified Chinese 四手结,四步活结 free hand n (unrestricted freedom)SCSimplified Chinese 放手处理问题的权力 fàng shǒu chǔ lǐ wèn tí de quán lì   SCSimplified Chinese 全权处理 fàng shǒu chǔ lǐ wèn tí de quán lì,quán quán chǔ lǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 不受约束 fàng shǒu chǔ lǐ wèn tí de quán lì,bú shòu yuē shù full house, full hand n (poker: 3 of a kind and a pair) (扑克: 三张相同及另两张相同的一手牌)SCSimplified Chinese 满堂红 TCTraditional Chinese 葫蘆 gain the upper hand v expr figurative (attain an advantage: over [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 占上风 zhàn shàng fēng TCTraditional Chinese 佔上風   SCSimplified Chinese 取得优势 zhàn shàng fēng,qǔ dé yōu shì TCTraditional Chinese 取得優勢  An early goal has given the Blues the upper hand in the match. get out of hand v expr informal (become uncontrolled)SCSimplified Chinese 脱离控制 tuō lí kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 脫離控制   SCSimplified Chinese 失控 tuō lí kòng zhì,shī kòng  The party got out of hand, and a neighbour called the police. get the upper hand v expr figurative (gain advantage)SCSimplified Chinese 具有优势 jù yǒu yōu shì TCTraditional Chinese 具有優勢   SCSimplified Chinese 占据有利条件 jù yǒu yōu shì,zhàn jù yǒu lì tiáo jiàn  The game lasted for hours before one team got the upper hand. give [sb] a hand v expr informal (help [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 对...伸出援手,帮助 bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 给...搭把手  I needed help carrying the wardrobe and the neighbour gave me a hand. give [sb] a hand, give a hand to [sb] v expr informal (applaud)SCSimplified Chinese 给...献上掌声   SCSimplified Chinese 为...鼓掌  Let's give a big hand to our next act. give [sb] a handout, give a handout to [sb], also UK: give [sb] a hand-out, give a hand-out to [sb] v expr (give financial aid)SCSimplified Chinese 提供资金援助 tí gōng zī jīn yuán zhù give [sb] a helping hand, give a helping hand to [sb] v expr (assist, help)SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助   SCSimplified Chinese 援助 bāng zhù,yuán zhù TCTraditional Chinese 援助   SCSimplified Chinese 协助 bāng zhù,xié zhù TCTraditional Chinese 協助  You should give a helping hand to the needy. give [sb] the glad hand, give the glad hand to [sb] v expr informal (greet insincerely)SCSimplified Chinese 真诚问候   SCSimplified Chinese 诚心问候   SCSimplified Chinese 诚意问候 glad-hand [sb]⇒ vtr informal (greet insincerely)SCSimplified Chinese 假意欢迎 go cap in hand v expr figurative (beg, ask for [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 乞求得到   SCSimplified Chinese 央求得到 go cap in hand to [sb] v expr figurative (beg, ask for [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 乞求某人   SCSimplified Chinese 央求某人 go hand in hand v expr figurative (belong together)SCSimplified Chinese 手拉手出去 shǒu lā shǒu chū qù   SCSimplified Chinese 携手同行 shǒu lā shǒu chū qù,xié shǒu tóng xíng  For many people, smoking and drinking go hand in hand. grease [sb]'s palm, grease the palm of [sb], grease [sb]'s hand, grease the hand of [sb] v expr figurative (bribe) (比喻贿赂)SCSimplified Chinese 孝敬某人   SCSimplified Chinese 贿赂某人   SCSimplified Chinese 买通 mǎi tōng hand ax (US), hand axe, hand-axe (UK) n (ax for one hand)SCSimplified Chinese 手斧 hand ax (US), hand axe, hand-axe (UK) n (archeology: prehistoric stone tool) (史前工具)SCSimplified Chinese 石斧 hand basin, washbasin n (sink for washing hands)SCSimplified Chinese 洗手池  There is a washbasin in each room. hand blender, stick blender n (handheld food mixer)SCSimplified Chinese 手持式食物搅拌机 shǒu chí shì shí wù jiǎo bàn jī  Hand blenders are great for making thick soups. hand clapping n (applause)SCSimplified Chinese 鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng TCTraditional Chinese 鼓掌   SCSimplified Chinese 掌声 gǔ zhǎng,zhǎng shēng TCTraditional Chinese 掌聲 hand clapping n (act of applauding)SCSimplified Chinese 鼓掌 gǔ zhǎng TCTraditional Chinese 鼓掌 hand clapping n (clapping of hands for rhythm, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 击掌 jī zhǎng hand drill (portable drill)SCSimplified Chinese 手持式钻头 hand gel n (hand-sanitizing product)SCSimplified Chinese 洗手液   SCSimplified Chinese 免洗洗手液 hand grenade n (small explosive)SCSimplified Chinese 手雷   SCSimplified Chinese 手榴弹 shǒu liú dàn TCTraditional Chinese 手榴彈 hand grinder n (handheld tool for crushing [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 手动研磨机 hand in glove, also US: hand and glove expr figurative (in partnership)SCSimplified Chinese 亲密合作 qīn mì hé zuò TCTraditional Chinese 親密合作   SCSimplified Chinese 紧密合作 qīn mì hé zuò ,jǐn mì hé zuò  The mayor and the contractor were working hand in glove to get the project approved. hand in glove, also US: hand and glove adj figurative (in partnership)SCSimplified Chinese 密切合作的  The government and the tech giants are hand in glove when it comes to the issue of privacy infringement. hand in glove with [sb/sth], also US: hand and glove with [sb/sth] adj + prep figurative (in partnership)SCSimplified Chinese 与...密切合作的  Organized crime bosses worked hand in glove with the construction industry. hand in hand, hand-in-hand adv (holding hands)SCSimplified Chinese 手拉手 shǒu lā shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 携手 shǒu lā shǒu,xié shǒu  The girls were best friends and could often be seen walking hand in hand.  那些女孩子们是彼此最要好的朋友,经常手拉手一起走。 hand in hand, hand-in-hand adj (holding hands)SCSimplified Chinese 手挽手 shǒu wǎn shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 手拉手 shǒu wǎn shǒu,shǒu lā shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 手牵手  Hand in hand, the protesters stormed the palace.  抗议者们手挽手地冲进了皇宫。 hand in hand, hand-in-hand adv figurative (together) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 携起手来,同心协力,合作地,共同行动 xié qǐ shǒu lái,tóng xīn xié lì,hé zuò de ,gòng tóng xíng dòng  Poverty and social unrest usually go hand in hand.  贫困与社会动荡经常同时出现。 hand in hand, hand-in-hand adv figurative (in close collaboration)SCSimplified Chinese 携手合作   SCSimplified Chinese 协作 xié zuò TCTraditional Chinese 協作  The two employees worked hand in hand to see the project through to the end.  这两名员工携手合作,将该项目进行到底。 hand job, handjob n slang (masturbation of the penis) (俚语,尤指男性)SCSimplified Chinese 手淫 shǒu yín  I can't believe you gave him a hand job in his car! hand lens, hand glass n (magnifying glass)SCSimplified Chinese 放大镜 fàng dà jìng TCTraditional Chinese 放大鏡 hand lotion n (skin moisturizer for hands)SCSimplified Chinese 润手霜   SCSimplified Chinese 手油 hand luggage n (carry-on baggage)SCSimplified Chinese 手提行李 shǒu tí xíng lǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 手提包 shǒu tí xíng lǐ,shǒu tí bāo   SCSimplified Chinese 手提箱 shǒu tí xíng lǐ,shǒu tí xiāng  Most airlines allow only one piece of hand luggage. You cannot carry aerosols or sharp instruments in your hand luggage. hand mixer n (cookery: handheld electric tool for mixing)SCSimplified Chinese 手动搅拌器 shǒu dòng jiǎo bàn qì  Use your hand mixer to whip the egg whites into a stiff peak. hand [sth] over to [sb] v expr (object: give, relinquish to [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 把…交给 bǎ jiāo gěi  Jackson claimed that he had intended to hand the gun over to the police the next day.  杰克逊称他原打算第二天把枪交给警察。 hand [sth/sb] over to [sb], hand over [sth/sb] to [sb] v expr figurative (territory, child: surrender to [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 把…移交  Spain agreed to hand over the territory to Morocco.  西班牙同意将这片领土移交给摩洛哥。 hand over fist adv figurative, informal (continuously)SCSimplified Chinese 大量而迅速地(聚敛钱财) dà liàng ér xùn sù de ( jù liǎn qián cái )  This contract is losing us money hand over fist. hand over hand adv (grasping with alternate hands)SCSimplified Chinese 两手交替握住  I know the rope bridge is scary but just go slowly hand over hand and stop screaming. hand over hand adv figurative (in an out-of-control way)SCSimplified Chinese 一步步失控 hand play n (sexual touching)SCSimplified Chinese 用手爱抚  The couple were enjoying some hand play. hand press n (pressing machine worked manually)SCSimplified Chinese 手动压汁机  My family uses their hand press to make homemade apple cider. hand press n (printing press worked manually)SCSimplified Chinese 手动印刷机 shǒu dòng yìn shuā jī  Early newspapers were printed on a hand press. hand pump n (device for inserting air or liquid)SCSimplified Chinese 手泵   SCSimplified Chinese 手压泵   SCSimplified Chinese 手摇泵 hand puppet (US), glove puppet (UK) n (puppet worn like a glove)SCSimplified Chinese 手偶   SCSimplified Chinese 手套式布偶 hand sanitizer, also UK: hand sanitiser n (disinfectant: gel, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 手部消毒剂   SCSimplified Chinese 手部杀菌剂   SCSimplified Chinese 洗手液 hand signal n (indication made by hand)SCSimplified Chinese 手势 shǒu shì TCTraditional Chinese 手勢   SCSimplified Chinese 以手示意 shǒu shì,yǐ shǒu shì yì  Cyclists should use hand signals when turning or stopping for greater road safety. hand-to-mouth adj figurative (meeting only immediate needs)SCSimplified Chinese 仅够糊口的 jǐn gòu hú kǒu de 备注: Hyphens are used when the term is an adjective Since being fired from his job, he has had to live a hand-to-mouth existence. hand to mouth adv figurative (meeting only immediate needs)SCSimplified Chinese 仅够糊口地 jǐn gòu hú kǒu de  Since Mary was fired from her job, she has struggled through life hand to mouth.  自从玛丽被解雇后,她仅能勉强度日。 hand tool n (handheld instrument)SCSimplified Chinese 手工工具 shǒu gōng gōng jù   SCSimplified Chinese 手持工具 shǒu gōng gōng jù,shǒu chí gōng jù  The man selected the appropriate hand tool for the DIY task. hand towel n (small towel for drying the hands)SCSimplified Chinese 手巾 shǒu jīn TCTraditional Chinese 手巾  It is usual to only lay out a hand towel in the spare bathroom. 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: hand [hænd] I n 1 [c] (Anat) 手 shǒu [双 shuāng] 2 [c] [of clock] 指针(針) zhǐzhēn [个 gè] 3 [c] (=worker) 工人 gōngrén [名 míng] 4 [u] (liter: handwriting) 手迹(跡) shǒujì The manuscripts were written in Bach's own hand.这(這)些手稿是巴赫本人的手迹(跡)。 Zhèxiē shǒugǎo shì Bāhè běnrén de shǒujì. 5 [c] [of cards] 一手牌 yīshǒu pái [ ] 6 [c] (=measurement) 一手之宽(寬) yīshǒu zhī kuān II vt (=pass, give) 递(遞) dì He handed me a piece of paper.他递(遞)给(給)我一张(張)纸(紙)。 Tā dì gěi wǒ yī zhāng zhǐ. to do sth by hand 手工制(製)作 shǒugōng zhìzuò "hands off!" "别(別)碰!" "biépèng!" in sb's hands在某人照管下 zài mǒurén zhàoguǎn xià to be in safe hands/the wrong hands在可靠/不可靠的人手中 zài kěkào/bù kěkào de rén shǒu zhōng to get or lay one's hands on sth (inf)找到某物 zhǎodào mǒuwù to join hands手拉手 shǒu lā shǒu hand in hand (=holding hands) 手拉手 shǒu lā shǒu to go hand in hand (with sth)(和某事)密切关(關)联(聯)地 (hé mǒushì)mìqiè guānlián de to have one's hands full (with sth)手头(頭)忙于(於)(某事) shǒutóu mángyú (mǒushì) to give or lend sb a hand (with sth)帮(幫)某人(做某事) bāng mǒurén (zuò mǒushì) to have a hand in sth参(參)与(與)某事 cānyù mǒushì to be (near or close) at hand在附近 zài fùjìn Hughes finished with 15 seconds in hand (Brit) 休斯完成时(時)还(還)剩下15秒 Xiūsī wánchéng shí hái shèngxià shíwǔ miǎo the job in hand手头(頭)的工作 shǒutóu de gōngzuò we have the matter in hand我们(們)控制了局势(勢) wǒmen kòngzhìle júshì to be on hand [person, services etc] 在近处(處) zài jìnchù to reject/dismiss sth out of hand不假思索地拒绝(絕)/抛(拋)弃(棄)某事 bù jiǎ sīsuǒ de jùjué/pāoqì mǒushì to have sth to hand [+ information etc]手头(頭)有某物 shǒutóu yǒu mǒuwù on the one hand…, on the other hand…一方面…,另一方面… yī fāngmiàn…, lìng yī fāngmiàn…hand around vt (=distribute) 传(傳)递(遞) chuándì hand down vt [+ knowledge, possessions] 传(傳)下去 chuán xiàqù hand in vt 上交 shàngjiāo hand out vt 分配 fēnpèi hand over vt [+ object, present, letter] 交给(給) jiāogěi [+ prisoner, hostage] 移交 yíjiāo hand over to vt 移交 yíjiāo hand round (Brit) vt = hand around 在这些条目还发现'hand': 在英文解释里: basin - basket maker - beetle - bequeath - block letter - blow a kiss - blow kisses - bongo drum - bottom left - bottom left corner - bottom right - bottom right corner - bottom-right - but then - by contrast - call - capitate - carpal tunnel - carpal tunnel syndrome - carry-on baggage - cast-offs - change hands - check - chop - clasp - clench - clout - conversely - craft - cross - deliver - direct evidence - distribute - do crafts - dole - dominant - dummy - easily reached - emergency brake - equally - extend - fan - feel - finger - fist - fist fuck - fist your hand - fist-fuck - flush - fork out 中文: 人手 - 手 - 一来 - 上交 - 上风 - 举手 - 事前 - 交 - 交付 - 交出 - 交接 - 交给 - 传递 - 伸手 - 分发 - 另 - 右手 - 右方 - 呈 - 左手 - 扇 - 手卷 - 手头 - 手工 - 手巾 - 扶 - 抬 - 指针 - 掂 - 插手 - 时针 - 求婚 - 目睹 - 相传 - 缴 - 送交 - 递 - 递交 - 递送 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Parts of the upper body, Soap, 更多……同义词: palm, fist, fingers, paw, mitt, 更多……习惯性搭配: hand me the [paper, knife, salt], my [right, left] hand, hand-to-hand [combat, fighting], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'hand' 的论坛讨论:

a watch on my hand Characters written by hand close at hand / within the reach of hand hand roll Hold my hand! Hold this / Hold my hand How to say "hand up/mouths shut" so that it rhymes the right hand of doom to raise one's hand, 举手 We use "to" with verbs such as "give", "hand", "send".......... " I want us all to have been dealt a complex hand that will send me and all of us in a good loop for a long time." - English Only forum ...at hand or on hand... - English Only forum ...gave this poor man his daughter’s hand in marriage. - English Only forum ...raise their hand/hands... - English Only forum 'at one hand' vs 'on one hand' - English Only forum 'Had a pistol in hand' OR 'Had a pistol in his hand' - English Only forum 'Melts in the mouth, not in the hand' - English Only forum 'on the other hand' or 'in contrast'? - English Only forum ‘what she works in, like the dyer’s hand.’ - English Only forum (give / hand) out - English Only forum (right/left)-hand side - English Only forum (with) which hand do you write (with)? - English Only forum [...] that won't fit in your hand baggage a level lower for you. - English Only forum [Know one’s way round a place] vs. [know a place like the back one one’s hand] - English Only forum [on/in] your hand and [on/in] on your palm - English Only forum A Big Hand To - English Only forum a Bloody Mary in my hand - English Only forum a broad flat hand - English Only forum A Dab Hand / dabster - English Only forum A dog ran up and licked my hand - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'hand'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "hand" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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